A review by thehornyprofessor
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix


An homage to slasher films with subtle, satirical wit. Fans of Paperbacks from Hell will recognize the care and thought that went into this book. If you are not a fan of horror movies, then it will all be lost on you (and you definitely don't deserve Grady Hendrix in you life.) The ending was sadly predicable and, while this is not my favorite book by Mr. Hendrix, I was not disappointed as I was with The Southern Bookclub's Guide to Vampire Slayer (sorry, not a fan of housewives of any variety.) Start with My Best Friend's Exorcism or Horrorstor if this is your first foray into his excellent work though, otherwise: enjoy! TW/CW: big feels coming your way with the cancer death midway through.