A review by amandamay83
Giants in the Earth by Lincoln Colcord, O.E. Rølvaag


How is it possible that I made it this long in life without reading this book? It was amazing.

I started out hating Per Hansa. He just struck me as kind of a jackass, dragging his wife across the prairie, without a whole lot of concern about whether she wanted to go or not. HE got to go off to town or the neighboring community and see and talk to people, while she got to stay home with the kids and the cows.

Then she went off the deep end. Not that I totally blame her, but still. Then I had a new-found sympathy for Per Hansa.
When she was coaching Hans Olson that he needed to see a minister before he died, I wanted to leap through the book and slap her. It was pretty clear where the story was going at that point and I was pissed. I look forward to reading the next book. My only hope is that she drowns or dies is some other horrible fashion.