A review by outcolder
Management Basics for Information Professionals by G. Edward Evans


My main problem with this book is that it never critically engages with the managerialism it is touting. It's for librarians, and it does apply different aspects of management thinking to the library and to non-profits, but it never takes a step back to ask if maybe this stuff shouldn't apply. Maybe all this Harvard Business Review chatter is actually harming the library. Somewhere between "it comes from 'business' it must be bad" and "the solution to bad management is more management" lies maybe some specks of truth glittering in the slag, but this book never does the work of sifting.

As another goodreads poster pointed out, it is basically a literature review. Under each topic, a chronological tour of management thought, and every once in a while a comment about what that is like in libraries.

Not that [b:Library and Information Center Management|1349816|Library and Information Center Management|Robert D. Stueart|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1348101174s/1349816.jpg|1339485] is any better, although at least the cover is slightly less disturbing.