A review by terhangus
debu, duka, dsb. : Sebuah Pertimbangan Anti-Theodise by Goenawan Mohamad


4.5 because of my he goes really off-tangent at times, but what kinda amazing off-tangents they were. really helped me in understanding my relationship w/ God. what do i even say!!! it's just so good.

Manusia, dalam debu dan duka, dalam status sebagai zat dalam dalam kehilangan, dan pada saat yang sama sebagai makhluk yang ditempa sejarah yang menyebabkan ia "menerima segala", adalah hasil tafsir yang tak terhingga karena ia sebuah kontradiksi. Ia tak mudah menerima ini. Ia menginginkan kontradiksi itu tak ada. Maka lahirlah ideologi, hukum, agama dalam bentuk sebagai kesatuan - dan juga theodise.

Humans, covered in dust and grief, in a status as matter and in loss, and at the same time as a being forged by history that causes them to "accept all that is", is a result of a limited interpretation because it is a contradiction. They cannot accept this easily. They want that contradiction to begone. And so that is why ideology, justice, and religion was born in unity - and so was theodicy.

personal translation don't h8