A review by ljbentley27
The Midnight Dance by Nikki Katz


The Midnight Dance is a quirky thriller set in a school for orphaned ballerinas. Intrigued? Well you should be. Nikki Katz has created a dystopian fiction set in the 19th century that focuses on the mind control over young ladies who are all training to be prima ballerinas.

Katz’s novel is probably best described as part dystopian young adult fiction and part Frankenstein with a dollop of Groundhog Day thrown in for good measure. It is a really compelling read about triumphing over adversity along with a closer look at the perils of medicine and scientific experimentation.

I was initially drawn to the beautiful book cover. The Midnight Dance really would catch your eye on the shelf and admittedly I did find it difficult to get into but once the first few chapters have been read and you get into the swing of things it really does become a fast and furious thriller.

The Midnight Dance by Nikki Katz is available now.

For more information regarding Nikki Katz (@katzni) please visit www.nikkikatz.com.

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