A review by thisisianthe
Concentr8 by William Sutcliffe


Read this review on Bookfuls Reviews.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I really liked the cover of this book, and then the cover didn’t even show up on my Kindle. Sigh. Oh well. It was still an enjoyable read.

Concentr8 is the book’s version of Ritalin. I have quite a bit of experience with friends and family who take Ritalin, so I was intrigued by the premise of this story. However, I wish the book had started a bit earlier in the story. In the beginning I was very confused by the riots, and why they were the result of the drug. It didn’t seem realistic at all.

At the end of every chapter, the author included some information about Ritalin taken from various scientific books, and even some confessions from Ritalin users themselves. This was very original and interesting, and, in my opinion, the best part of this book. It gave me a better understanding of what the drug is, and why the characters in the book rioted after having it taken away.

The story is told from the perspectives of plenty of different characters, including the rioting teenagers, the mayor, a journalist and the hostage. It was nice to see the story told from contrasting points of view. However, there were a few characters that the author could have left out, without taking anything away from the story.

The author adapts his writing style depending on which character’s head we’re in. I’ve never seen this done before and I enjoyed that a lot. The writing reflected how some characters’ thoughts were all over the place, and sometimes it was difficult to keep up with, but that only added to the overall feel of the story.

Overall I liked the story. Sometimes it progressed a bit slow, and I had to skim through some of the less interesting characters’ chapters. However, it did leave me wanting more, which is always a good sign.