A review by backonthealex
Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus


This isn't really a back to school book per se but I like to read it every year for my benefit and that of my young readers. It is a nice reminder that not all kids learn the same way at the same pace and sometimes the adults in their lives need to practice patience. All the other animals are learning to read to write, to draw, and to speak, but not Leo, a young tiger cub. When his dad begins to be concerned, Leo's mom tells him to be patient, Leo's is just a late bloomer, and to stop watching for him to bloom. Time goes by, winter becomes spring and Leo still hasn't bloomed. Then one day, in his own good time, Leo blooms, and he can do everything his friends can do - read, write, draw, eat, and speak in whole sentences. I think the brightly colored illustrations really capture Leo's sense of frustration and confusion about why he isn't doing what the others animals can do. It's a look I've seen on the face of some young learners often enough. When this came out in 1971, Leo the Late Bloomer wasn't well received, but since then, we've thankfully come a long way in recognizing learning differences in children. I read this to remember that and to give any lagging kids encouragement.