A review by kindlelovingmom
Hell & Back by Julie Rowe


This series has meant so much to me, and I have loved it so much, that I was so excited to read this final installment. Even in these crazy pandemic times, nothing could stop me from reading about this awesome task force, hot on the trail of a terrorist group trying to get their hands on a biological weapon!!

Ex-Special Forces medic Henry Lee, now part of the Outbreak Task Force at the CDC, is a bit of a workaholic. He lost his leg during his last deployment, but he doesn't let it slow him down. People might call him grumpy, or a taskmaster, but it doesn't bother him. He would rather work alone anyway. Until he gets assigned to mentor a new hire, a microbiologist joining their team. He can't believe how well they work together, and that his bear-like moods don't seem to affect her at all. He finds himself thinking of her all the time, and fighting his feelings toward her, especially since they work so closely together.

Ruby Toth is a microbiologist, and she loves the puzzle of investigating pathogens. But, she really came to the CDC to help find a traitor. Her parents both work for the NSA and wanted her help investigating info leaks that have led to terrorist attacks over the course of the series. She works directly with Henry, and spends most days trying to ignore her body's reactions to him. Ruby lives with her twin brother Nate, who is a rocket scientist, and a bit of an absent-minded professor type. When he is kidnapped and she is tasked by the kidnappers with stealing a pathogen from the lab, she doesn't know what to do. Should she risk stealing the virus? Will they just kill her brother, and her, anyway? How can she put so many other lives at risk? Can she trust Henry, or will she just be putting him in danger if she spills the truth? What's a girl to do??

Henry and Ruby had chemistry that jumped off the page, and I loved seeing our grumpy Henry, who has been a side character throughout the series, on the bumpy road to getting his HEA!! They both had trust issues, for varying reasons, but they both really wanted to trust each other. I loved watching them both struggle with the idea of actually taking the risk and being together.

Most of the side characters here were from the earlier books in the series and I loved seeing them again. It was especially nice to catch up with them, knowing that this was the final book, and our last chance to see a bit more of their HEAs. Often they provided comic relief, in addition to being awesome co-workers and friends, who always have each other's backs.

The suspense plot here was a bit of a continuation of the overarching plot of the series, the terrorist group FAFO is still trying to get their hands on biological weapons, and always seem one step ahead of our teams. How are they getting their inside info? Who is bankrolling them, and why? The team gets to the bottom of everything, with plenty of excitement in between!

Henry wasn't sure if he could ever really be close to anyone again, with all of his lingering issues from his time in the military. Ruby didn't know if Henry would ever be able to trust her enough to let her to get close. They both just LONGED for each other so much, and I was here for it. I really enjoyed this couple, and this entire team of awesome characters! I highly recommend this series (especially book 1, which is still my fave!) to any other fellow romantic suspense lovers! Every book has been so exciting, fast-paced, and enjoyable!

ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Megan from Alpha Book Club
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