A review by gigua
La linea della bellezza by Alan Hollinghurst

DNF at about pg 228.

[b:The Line of Beauty|139087|The Line of Beauty|Alan Hollinghurst|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1172099924s/139087.jpg|918312] is actually the first book I don't finish. It is a bittersweet feeling, but I am quite happy with my decision and I feel absolutely relieved.
I always pressure myself to finish the book even if I don't like it and such. However, I don't think that is the best approach to reading. We should be able to do what we want to do. We don't like a book and don't want to reach the end? Fine. Do we want to push ourselves till the last page? Do it.
There are so many books and so little time, right? Let's not waste time on books that are not worth our time. For different and subjective reasons, obviously. This is coming from me, who never managed to stop herself from finish a book.

This book, at the beginning, really took my interest. I was interested in the characters' background and the story was not something I had read before. I liked it and I was eager to continue.
Then, I paused my reading because of uni exams.
A few weeks later I dread re-opening the book. I started and finished other ones, I even called my library to postpone the date where I should have brought it back. I felt guilty. And, in some
way, I still feel guilty. I feel like I should apologize to the author, to the characters, to the story and to the physical book itself. But, then, I think about all the readers and all the books out there and I realize how small of a difference I make. Yes, I personally would have liked to finish it but I couldn't bring myself to do it. No one will notice, only me, myself and I. I am the only one who is judging my DNF. I am the only one who reads my books, no one else does it for me.
I should (and have to) do what it feels right to do for myself at the moment. And do not finish this book this time, maybe it'll be for another time. I just didn't feel a connection right now.

If you read my long rant, thank you and I am wondering if you have ever felt the same pressure over yourself too. Is it difficult for you to DNF or not?