A review by nday
When Good Earls Go Bad by Megan Frampton


This was a novella from the Dukes Behaving Badly series, of which I’ve read the first book so far, so while I don’t normally go out of my way to read these little inbetween books, I was in the mood so I went ahead and continued my deep dive into this series.

I can see why Annabelle was “relegated” as such to just a novella – she must have been a challenging heroine to write. She was definitely a challenging heroine to read, even though I thought MF did a great job on not making her come across as a complete nitwit, which she very easily could have done.

As I’m starting to see with MF, her hero was of much better quality, and I enjoyed Matthew a lot. I actually thought there was good chemistry between the characters, and I don’t feel the book was hampered by the shorter length. It was enjoyable, but I did struggle with the heroine a lot.