A review by trupti
Jasmyn by Alex Bell


Rating: 4.25 rounded to 4

Jasmyn is a story built around a fairy tale that involves castles and swans and a certain secret something that makes the entire story revolve around itself. And that certain something is very unique and mystical.

The book jumps into action immediately, without wasting any time, at the end of the first chapter itself. At the end of Jasmyn’s husband’s funeral, 5 black swans fall from the sky. Everyone dismisses them as a consequence of some natural disaster or a disease (?, sorry don’t remember), but then things start to get more mysterious and confusing. Jasmyn comes to know things about her husbands past which she never knew existed. She goes on a journey with Bill, her husband’s brother, to find out the truth for herself.

Jasmyn is very different from the many fairy tale retellings I have read. But wait, Jasmyn is not a fairy tale retelling; it’s a story that revolves around a fairy tale, something so different and unique that I have to applaud the genius behind the story.

I really don’t want to give away much because I know that I enjoyed discovering a new secret, a new mystery after every few pages and I don’t want anyone else’s experience to lessen even by 1%. I thought there were a few loop holes in the story for almost 3/4 of the book, but trust me it all comes together in the end. And the end is as dramatic and grand as any action packed fantasy movie.

Read it if you enjoy fast paced mysteries and fairy tales. I’m not sure if I should tell which fairy tale it is for the fear of spoiling the book for you. Because as far as I know, it’s not a very well known one, it could be called more of a myth based around real places and people. But yes, this book will make you want to finish it in one sitting.

First posted at http://violetcrush.wordpress.com/2009/08/21/jasmyn-by-alex-bell/