A review by theawkwardbookw
Consent by Nancy Ohlin


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2.5 Stars

17 year old Bea Kim enrols in music history as her elective for her senior year of high school. Her substitute teacher, Mr. Rossi, hears her play piano one day after class and pushes her to pursue Julliard as an option for college. What starts as gentle encouragement quickly develops into more between them and a trip to New York changes everything.

I found the characters to be very one dimensional and not all that interesting. The plot did move along quickly and the writing style flowed nicely... Overall I don't know what to feel about this book.... It romanticises student-teacher relationships in a way that doesn't show the consequences that can occur when they happen. There is no ramifications to either of the characters actions and that bothered me. The book was very easy to read and I finished it in a day, but something about it was just unsettling to me.