A review by laragomes
The Werewolf of Paris by Guy Endore


"This has neither beginning nor end, but only a perpetual unfolding. A multi-petaled blossom of strange botany"

I find it hard to talk about this book, for it is kind of mess. Part of it is like a horror classic. Part of it seemed like a Historical fiction that could have been written in this century. It is an Odd book. But apparently the author was aware if this, once he himself said that this story is a "multi-petaled blossom of strange botany". Who am i to disagree with the author? This book is indeed strange, so much that i don't know if I liked it or not...

Particularly, I could divide it in 5 distinct parts, being my feelings for each one different.
1- Introduction - A little weird.
When the narrator find the story in the streets

2- Background history much needed.
That family quarrel that ended up "creating" the werewolf

3- Origins of the Werewolf, Bertrand - Had a *weird* sexual element that made me rethink about what was proper at that time it was written.
When the girl was raped by the priest and the whole affair until the death of Aymar's aunt

4- Bertrand's childhood. My favorite part, more Horror Classic in the way it was written.
5- Bertrand's Adulthood. If the 4th part was more of the classic horror aspect. This one is more like historical fiction. We follow more people now, and there is a war that makes this part feels different.

Overall, "The Werewolf of Paris" is a interesting novel that doesn't knows what it wants to be. What makes it hard for me to figure out how I feel about. It was worth reading though, for it is an unique book in it's oddities.