A review by ethias
Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson


Re-read 2/5/24

I absolutely loved it. I think it still starts out pretty slow and difficult to get through, but after the like 300 page mark it just becomes so engaging and impossible to stop thinking about.

When I read this the first time I think I was coming at it with the wrong mindset. After reading Memories of Ice, something about the author’s intent and the purpose of his writing clicked with me. I think it was during the siege in that book that I just felt myself sink into it all and understand. Coming back to this book, I was able to approach it and understand it differently, and it made all the difference.

Loved it. I can tell this is the type of series that gets better every time you read it.


Edit 7/13/23: I am loving Memories of Ice. I think I will do a full re-read of Deadhouse Gates before continuing to book 4.


I read to page 280 and then skipped to chapter 20/page 715 and read til the end. I read chapter summaries for everything in between. I was miserable reading this and wanted closure.

I really didn’t like this book at all. At all.

Everyone insists that by the end of this book you will be hooked, that the ending is amazing. I genuinely don’t know what these people are talking about.

This book in general feels like trying to sift through mud to find a hint of a treasure beneath. I want to learn of the world, I want to learn of the magic, I want to invest in the characters, but all of that his hidden behind inane bullshit that’s completely irrelevant and characterizations that are the equivalent of cardboard cutouts with botched paint jobs. Every once in a while you get a scene or a character that’s great, and in some ways that makes me hate the rest more because it shows me what the whole thing could have been.

I am going to push forward to the third book and if I end up liking it maybe I’ll give this one another go.