A review by rashthedoctor
Detective Comics #939 by Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, James Tynion IV


What an amazing issue , WHAT A FUCKING BRILLIANT ISSUE !

6 books and so far the worst book in the Detective comics has been a 4 star worthy deliverance tells you a lot about how well this story has been handled . Much of my criticism for batman issues post rebirth have been about how the stories in Batman have made Batman partake in rare action sequence and here is Detective Comics where Batman has probably taken part in the action sequence very little as well and yet the two books have had very different outcomes with Detective comics being splendid and Batman comics being rubbbish .

This story was heavily Red Robin oriented and the next issue is sure to be very amazing as the newly formed Bat-team took on Colony and have started their actions to rubbish the plan made by Colony . The art by Eddy Barrows & Alvaro Martinez remains top notch stuff and had their been no wonder woman and Green Arrow arts i would have called them the top artist in DC at the moment . In fact on some panels it looked like the duo were simply trying to wow the fans with their skills and it certainly worked for me

James Tynion himself has done a splendid work with this Rise of Batmen storyline and while it did start looking like a cousin of the "court of owls" storyline this story has been owned now by Tynion and it's been very entertaining to read .

The consistency from this issue post rebirth is what makes me call this THE best storyline in Rebirth and it deserves the acclaim it is recieving . A perfect tale with a near-perfect art this is how Batman comics ought to be done , Take notes Tom King