A review by dollycas
Knit One, Die Two by Peggy Ehrhart


Dollycas’s Thoughts

The Knit and Nibble knitting group has another new member. Caralee Lorimer is playing a part in the local theater group’s latest play, A Tale of Two Cities, and her character, knits on stage and she wants to play the part convincingly. She is not afraid to share her opinions of happenings around Arborville along with some things people would like to keep under wraps. She has rubbed several people the wrong way and made a few outright enemies. Pamela had no idea what Caralee was up to, but when the young woman is killed in a theater “accident” Pamela and the rest of the nibblers start to find out what she was really like. She obviously pushed someone too far and Pamela is sure the so-called accident was really a cleverly constructed murder. She just has to prove it and enlists her friend Bettina to help her investigate.

I really love the members of this knitting club. They take their nibbles as serious as their knitting. The group shares mouthwatering treats at a designated time at each of their meetings. They are an eclectic group and always seem to have a good time when they get together. In this installment Pamela as a kindle of kittens to find homes for and when the group meets at her home, the little ones steal the hearts of more than one member. The kittens are as diverse as the group and I laughed at their antics throughout the book.

I have said in previous reviews that the author has a very descriptive writing style and for the most part, she describes things I am interested in, but this time she went a little over the top and was sometimes repetitive of things we had read just a few pages before. It messed with the flow of the book and took away from the story. A sub-plot mystery was also added that I felt really had no purpose. I really enjoyed the unique clue that set off the real investigation revealing some suspects thanks to Bettina’s husband, Wilfred. I was focused on a certain person early on and as more and more was revealed I knew I was right. I didn’t understand the whole reasoning as to why though until it was all spelled out for me.

I love the theme of this series. The characters in this series are strong and likable. The author needs to tighten up her writing to improve the flow and add more depth to the mystery. I am invested in these characters and need to see what happens to them next.