A review by emilyhei
A Good Time by Shannyn Schroeder


Real estate agent, Indy Adams has a chance at finally making the big sale with billionaire Griffin as a client. She understands that he is doing this as a favor, she also knows that his flirtatious manners are flattering, but she will deny it until the day she dies. She has enough man trouble with an newly ex-boyfriend who proposed and the glaring fact that Indy isn’t looking for anything long term.

Griffin can’t seem to stop think about Indy, now that she is single again he seeks out to woo her. He is not looking for a relationship, although he thinks the fireworks with Indy will be spectacular. What starts off as one night quickly develops into a casual relationship that continues to cross the line into something more serious, but their rode is extremely rocky as Indy’s ex continues to want her back and a few other hurdles cross their path which will make their decision to be together a tough road.

Intense story, Indy is a free spirit who has some daddy issues. Griffin is a bit of a playboy, but he is currently trying to clean up his act. Together they seem to be just what each other needs, except the rules continue to change. I thought Griffin was charming, definitely has swagger but he is not perfect which I think made his character so likeable. Excellent read.