A review by neashyvet01
Always With Love by Giovanna Fletcher


Always with Love by Giovanna Fletcher
Sophie is a spoilt little brat in this book. She pushes Billy to do a film, then complains the entire time he’s filming, she splits up with him for kissing someone in the first book, then makes a very similar mistake herself and hides it. But oh woe me, she’s the victim. She constantly victimises herself, making Billy the bad guy, when in reality he has changed everything for her. His entire personality and hopes and dreams are squished into a box so that she can continue to live her pathetic life on the hill.

She also never consults Billy on decisions. He puts his career and life on hold for her and she just swans off starting a business, moving house, selling the house he wanted. She’s so selfish!

The book is written by a woman, which is obviously fine, but she seems totally clueless when it comes to a man’s mind. Seriously? Billy’s nostrils flare as he happens to randomly think back to three months ago when he blurted something out about Sophie’s mum and he just regrets it so much, and Sophie can just see that’s what he is thinking in that moment? Even though in the argument he didn’t even insult the mother? Of course that’s what he’s thinking love. Maybe I’m a cynic, but I just feel like it’s so obviously coming from a woman’s perspective that it’s unrealistic. But really, would a young guy really say ‘love makes the world a better place and I want the life I lead to be one that’s driven always with love. With you’ am I really supposed to buy that?!

I loved the first book, but this book was boring, hard to focus on and I hated the main character.

Do not recommend. Yes read the first book, but pretend there is no sequel.