A review by atinydisaster
The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress


I LOVED this book! It wasn’t quite can’t-put-it-down, but it was a great story that I will absolutely be revisiting once my TBR pile can stand the detour. I wouldn’t count myself a steampunk fan yet, but if there are more stories like this tucked away in the genre, then you can count me in!

The Friday Society follows three young female characters, each wonderfully well rounded and realistic. Cora is an inventor’s assistant and absolutely someone you can look up to. She’s clever and unwilling to let her life be run by the men in it. She consistently makes smart decisions that don’t make you want to smack your head into a wall. Big points for that. Nellie is a magician’s assistant fun, a little hyper and immensely loyal. She also has a rather snarky parrot that follows her around. Love! Then there’s Michiko who is quiet, cautious and a fantastic fighter. The book alternates chapters between the three girls and each has a distinct voice. Absolutely no complaints here!

The story itself is a great mystery, but occasionally written like an action flick. The scenes come to life as you’re reading, and the steampunk elements only enhance the book. There’s no question that Adrienne Kress is a great writer who knows how to craft a great YA novel without indulging in some of the more frustrating tropes of the genre. She alsomanges to infuse the book with just enough humor and romance to keep things interesting without detracting from the story she’s trying to tell.

There’s no word yet on whether this book will be picked up for further books, but I’ve got my fingers crossed. I’d love to see what happens next as the girls become more comfortable with their individual kick-ass talents. So, if you haven’t picked this one up yet, you definitely should so I can read more about these awesome characters. Don’t worry thought, even if there aren’t any further books, this one wraps up nicely leaving you feeling all kinds of happy girl-power feelings.

When I saw that Adrienne Kress is a fellow Torontonian, I just had to send her an email telling her how much I loved this book! As a bonus, I got to send her a few questions, picking her brain about all things The Friday Society. Be sure to check back in on Monday for Snarky Bird’s interview with this fabulous Canadian author.