A review by sebby_reads
ဆာလောင်နေသော လူငယ်တစ်ယောက်၏ အပိုင်းအစ -၂၀ by ဖူးသက်ထား


A coming of age story of a bright and passionate young women as she struggled in the rapidly changing Beijing to pursue her dreams. At 17, Fenfang was bored of her day to day activities and wanted a change. She left her small village in pursuit of making big in a city like Beijing. Her life went from lifeless and dull to a ride through kaleidoscopic rollercoaster. Dealing with an abusive ex boyfriend, arrested by the police because of the conservative neighbours, struggle to make ends meet, etc etc and several other problems but she always come back with head held high. Although I’m a little confused about her affordability to rent an apartment and live on her own despite her menial pay.

At first, I thought the narration was somewhat drab. I wasn’t sure it was the translation or the original. However, I kept reading it as the story was getting interesting. Soon I realised that the title itself explained that these are the fragmented entries from a youth, not a full length novel. It was interesting enough to take me to the end. I only wish the publishing house had added a preface from the translator. I‘d like to read some of her book in English.

3 out of 5