A review by booksandbedtime
Beneath the Stairs by Jennifer Fawcett


When I went into this book I was expecting creepy hanuted house vibes like Home Before Dark (which I LOVED). This however was not that.

It’s been 20 years since Clare and her best friend Abby snuck into the Octagon House in the woods. However they both have been pulled to this house since then. Now it’s 20 years later, and Abby just went back and attempted to commit suicide. Clare returns to find out the story of this spooky house.

The story seemed to wander off a lot. It would be interesting one minute and then the next it wouldn’t. And NOT ALL BOOKS NEED A ROMANCE! This is my latest pet peeves in books. And if it’s a thriller - I don’t need to feel like I’m reading a romance too.

I didn’t want to keep reading though as I had to know WHAT IS IN THR BASEMENT?!