A review by mrella
Adverse Effects by Cia_, Alicia Nordwell


1.5 stars. Here are a few quickies as to why.

- “Dade, human-Caeorleian hybrid and ex-military grunt,” who is smarter than the entire planet of advanced aliens with their crazy technology. Just... wow Too good, too perfect, too shiny. Bleh.

- Shifting POVs, one of them first person. Guaranteed to make your head spin... with nausea to follow.

- Alien guards. There are three types: Fioe, a big softie, who is decent at his job - one; traitors - about 50%; and the rest, incompetent wannabies. Those last ones so closely resemble the OST Enterprise’s ever-failing security team (add to the mix a human character named Ryker), that I kept wondering if this book is actually a fanfic went sideways.

- Editing. Was this ever proof read? I almost DNFed around the time Dade was describing the experiments conducted on him. Other hiccups are too numerous to mention. Clearly I finished the book, yet how did I come out of it with my brainz not hurting is a mystery to me.