A review by jmatkinson1
The Smallest Man by Frances Quinn


Nat Davy is different, he is ten years old but is the same height as a two-year old and of no use to his father. Escaping the fate of being sold into a freak show Nat is instead given as a gift to the Queen, a shy 15year old Frenchwoman whose husband prefers his friends to his wife. However Nat learns love and loyalty as the country is thrown into civil war, he risks his life for those he loves and finds his family again
Whilst this is a fiction, it is based on the imaginary story of a number of court dwarves of the 16th and 17th century. Here the setting is around the court of Charles I and the tumultuous events of the civil war that pit brother against brother. It is a very pastel-painted picture and the plot suspends belief at times but it is also a very warm story about a lovable character who just wants what everyone else can have. The book is a lovely read, not too taxing but with the interest of the historical setting