A review by booksteacupnreviews
Love, Life & Dreams: A cocktail of five short stories by Rachel Edwards, Rebekah Louise


*** Note: I received review copy of this book from author, in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

Love, Life & Dreams, as title says is cocktail of 5 short women fiction, about 5 women and their life.

What I liked– All stories were narrated in simple and straight way with big moral. I loved storyline, tone of the stories, and characters who were learning something at the end of the story. The sisters bonding in 2 stories was touching and heartwarming. I liked 4 of 5 stories except 1- Julie. However, Julie created a good suspense with a strong emotion and it felt realistic which I like about it. Last one ‘Suite 200′ was my favorite of all. All stories felt realistic and relatable. I loved the moral behind the stories of – getting on life, respecting women, living dream, appreciating efforts that your loved one put for you, appreciating life with whatever you have, and not to judge others just by appearance and money. It’s cocktail of love, family, drama, karma, and life. In short length only all stories were written very explicitly.

Why 4 stars? Author kept all 4 stories very simple and meaningful without unsettling events or overdoing it that I liked, but for 1 story, Julie, I felt it was overdone here regarding all that revenge thing. They didn’t need to do that much to teach him lesson just telling his wife and giving proof was enough. Stalking him, his parents, his daughter and gathering very personal information was too much and that was like going down to his level just to make him realize his mistakes. I didn’t liked that, this could be done in simpler way too just like other stories.

Overall, short and sweet and beautiful stories. A perfect tea break read that I enjoyed reading.
Those who like to read short stories in women fiction with strong female characters would love this.

Read my reviews on my blog- Books Teacup and Reviews