A review by crtsjffrsn
The Art of Space Travel by Nina Allan


After the first mission intended to put people on Mars was a tragic failure, it has taken thirty years for people to be ready to try again. As a hotel housekeeper, Emily's only connection to the mission is the fact that two of the mission's astronauts will be coming to her hotel to participate in the final press conference before the launch. But Emily's mother, Moolie, has something that Emily needs to know. And that something may just set Emily's entire world on its head.

When I read science fiction, I admit that I do like the speculative elements of the story. But what is most important is the character development. Who are these people? Why should I care about them and what is happening to them? How are they going to overcome the obstacles that are thrown in their way? And Nina Allan definitely delivers in all of those areas. Although this is novelette length, readers get an opportunity to see in to Emily's world--and to be right there with her when everything changes in ways she never expected or imagined.