A review by lgpiper
Murha kengässä by Ellery Queen


I had never read an Ellery Queen book before, so when I found this at a church fair book table, I figured it was an omen. So, now I can say I've read Ellery Queen. Actually, I liked the book reasonably well. I liked it quite a bit at first, but then it began to wear a bit on me. Some of the plot seemed a bit improbable, and for people so smart as Ellery Queen and his father, some of the things that happened wouldn't have happened if they had been thinking even reasonably clearly. For example, in a duel, no clear-headed person would just hand out guns without checking first that they had been "properly" set up.

Anyway, while this isn't great literature, and a bit sketchy in places, and hideously out of date regarding one's views of women, I'd likely read more Ellery Queen as escapist literature, whereas, I would have to be paid to read any more Mickey Spillane, a more-or-less contemporary crime author.