A review by alyssaarch
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time, Volume 1 by Scott Tipton, Lee Sullivan, Simon Fraser, David Tipton


Is everyone ready for the 50th anniversary? I am! And I love all the cool stuff coming out to celebrate Doctor Who's birthday. This collection of comics is one such thing, and while I love anything Doctor Who related, I wish this could have been better.

Prisoners of Time, Vol. 1 is a collection of 5 comic book stories featuring the first five incarnations of the Doctor getting into a scrap, getting out of it, and then having his companions disappear. Because I received this as an ARC, I've only read the first 3 Doctors' stories, so keep that in mind. In any case, it's an amazing premise, and I'm getting antsy waiting to read how it all ties together. However, in terms of story, I just wish there could have been more. The stories just didn't fit the page constraint, which made the resolutions feel rushed.

Also, when it comes to comics, I expect some sort of important visual element that enhances the story -- something that makes it so that if it were told in another format, something would be lost. That didn't happen. The art isn't anything spectacular -- I think this story would have been just as good in a novel format (maybe better, given how rushed it all was as it is).

Despite those things, I enjoyed the stories and I really enjoyed getting to spend more time with the first incarnations of the Doctor. Having watched some Classic Who, I thought that the writers did an excellent job in capturing their personalities and that of their companions. Some old monsters were also brought back, which is always a plus for us Classic Who fans. I'm interested to see how the story continues and how it wraps up. While I thought the first three stories fell a bit flat, the overall idea promises a spectacular resolution.

*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*