A review by nocilantroextraolives
The Dreamer Volume 2: The Kipp's Bay Affair by Lora Innes


Like I said in my review for The Dreamer #1, I read both the first and the second volume in a single sitting. I was supposed to have been driving down to NC for a vacation, but instead I sat around and read this.

I regret nothing.

I really feel for the main character, and her dilemma feels real and insurmountable. The plot is interesting and I want to know more MORE MORE.

Though I'm sure I should know this stuff, I don't know, really, what is supposed to happen next history-wise so I'm sure I'll be surprised.

I loved it, and if you are at all interested in history and cute YA romance, this is for you. Even if you don't like those things, this is for you.

Read it.