A review by watermelonprose
The Shining by Stephen King


This would have to be one of my favourite KING novels to date. Straight afterwards I watched the movie and have to say the book absolutely tops it. I am honestly not a fan of the Kubrick film at all.

Jack is a lose unit before he even enters the house. He is literally the epitome of an abusive father. This story works so well because even without the supernatural elements, it is scary. Jack as a human being, is scary. This focus on Jack being a violent man makes his character a very interesting read. He is a monster before the house makes him into one. The alcoholism and fits of rage that Jack endures adds even further layers to his already evil character.

I love reading the inner monologue Jack, Danny and Wendy. It really allows you to dive deep into their minds. The ending in the book is my favourite, it ends with a tone of redemption

Link below is my instagram featuring the book!