A review by wickedwitchofthewords
Beautiful boy by Grace R. Duncan


Definitely a big no.

It is true that BDSM makes me so angry because why do ppl do this? But I read it to understand it & not be an ass.

But this book?
I just couldn't feel anything good in their relationship, the plot & the pace of things happening wasn't okay to me, & the dynamic of them seemed more like abuse to me rather than kink & BDSM (but I'm no expert, so.).

Kyle wasn't "stupid", he had insecurities, which cannot be erased thoroughly by spanking only.

& the whole story in a nutshell was:
They met, fucked, spanked, fucked, spanked, tortured, fucked, said I love you's, fucked some more & moved in.
Nothing special. Not to me.
Do I suggest it? Nope.

& that's it.