A review by bookishjesse
Reproduction by Ian Williams


Reproduction is outstanding! As in, I will be out standing around telling everyone to read this book. I work in a library. There's a lot of people to tell.

I LOVE the way Williams writes. I laughed out loud so many times and found myself often surprised. I love the way he constructs this narrative. Stories are told and retold and revised and sort of told and most importantly, not told.

I love these flawed and wounded characters and the truths they embody. I love Army's dry wit and Felicia's stoic approach to everything. Everything.

I did not love Edgar; I really enjoyed not enjoying Edgar, though, I must say.

Mostly, I loved the story and the consistency of the characters. Williams doesn't concern himself with redemption or other tropes that commonly weigh down "family narratives." Every characters is allowed to be. Just to be.

Did I mention I love this book?! No, not clear enough? Reproduction is objectively excellent and subjectively wonderful. I LOVE this book.