A review by shelfgremlin
The Alien's Kidnapped Omega by Sienna Sway


2.5 ★'s - interesting premise but really missed the mark in the details.

the alien's kidnapped omega was basically every a/b/o trope smashed into one. this book is built on the premise that alex (human omega) is leading a first contact mission to the planet mukhana to meet with the nassa people and negotiate an alliance. while there he's kidnapped, imprisoned, and won (gladiator style) by an alpha he now has to mate.

alex was... extremely feeble and naive, and not in the innocent way. he was a spineless damsel-in-distress who gave up and went along with everything fairly easily. he put up a fight (verbally) once or twice, if it can even be called that, and then decided he was just going to go with it and wait for blaine (his boss) to come and rescue him.

saar was the formerly broody, suddenly romantic alpha who scents alex and immediately knows he's destined to be his mate. he goes from frowny-mcalphahole to mild-mannered doting mate at the flip of a hat and gives zero shits what alex thinks or wants.

the miscommunication in this book was so frustrating for me because it didn't stem from an actual misunderstanding, saar just wouldn't fucking listen to alex. he assumed and insisted he knew better than alex even when alex did his best to explain that he was fine and he wasn't being mistreated. literally all of the conflict in this book stems from saar not listening to him and it was infuriating as hell.

and to make it worse, it wasn't even just saar that wouldn't listen to him. none of the alphas did. not kion (saar's father, also head alpha,) not the alpha council, not eisa or alya, not even the other omegas. even though they were fine with listening to omegas who were also nassa, they wouldn't listen to the human.

usually that wouldn't irritate me so much but they decided he was healthy and well enough to force him into a mating he said he didn't want but they continued to repeatedly ignore anything he had to say. saar was so fucking oblivious that by half-way through i was wishing he'd been kidnapped with intention rather than by saar with his white-knight complex.

this just wasn't the book for me.