A review by autumnfaeb
Drawing Down the Sun: Rekindle the Magick of the Solar Goddesses by Stephanie Woodfield


Happy Litha/ Summer Solstice/Whatever you Call it to all my fellow Wiccans, Pagans, Witches and so on and so forth! Brightest Blessings to you and yours on this wonderful day! Go out and enjoy the sun!!

Thanks to Llewellyn Publishing for allowing me to read this copy in exchange for an honest review.

I have to admit I'm hugely impressed. When I first saw this book I was struck. I had always, like so many others, linked Goddess with Lunar energies and God with Solar energies. This book allows you to tap into the solar energies and link them with the ultimate divine feminine energy that I refer to as Goddess.

I was a bit nervous, thinking that I was going to have to read about and learn a whole new set of correspondences, but interestingly enough a lot of the correspondence stands. Mirrors for instance are linked with solar goddesses and I've used them during lunar feminine rites and rituals. I find it amazing how I never thought to shift corresponding objects with the Goddess to Solar or Lunar. I believe this is just one way to show that the God and Goddess are in everything and nothing at once. They are light and dark, neither more right or wrong than the other.

This book is wonderful for those of you who would like to utilize the Sun and the Sun's energies with the loving touch of the Goddess. Be mindful that the Goddess can too be a warrior. Gendered sterotypes don't apply to the God and Goddess in my experience, but the need to link feminine with Lunar energies has made us forget that more fiery aspect of Her.

This book is chock full of correspondences, meditations, lore and myths, ritual ideas and great information overall. I highly recommend it for anyone who wishes to learn more about the Goddess' solar energies and this book makes it easy to jump right in to start honoring Her!

5 triquetras for this wonderful book.
I recommend this for Pagans and non-Pagans alike. Even thought this has ritual ideas in it, it's not necessary to complete them. This isn't a spell book, but rather a take on solar Goddess energy that just happens to have some rituals and things placed throughout. Go grab a copy today!