A review by jliby0
How Did You Get This Number by Sloane Crosley


Sloane Crosley definitely sees the world, and her experiences in it, in a humorously unique way. The stories had a great blend of New York City "slice of life" and "country" experiences through the recounting of Crosley's adventures attending a wedding in rural, bear-infested Alaska.

This was a very enjoyable read and I felt like it was bookended by really strong stories. I found myself losing a little interest throughout some of the stories in the middle of the book, but "Show Me on the Doll" and "Lost in Space" had me laughing nearly every other page, and "Off the Back of a Truck" was an excellent blend of poignant heartbreak and humorous self-introspection in regards to young love and the growth that heartbreak and time can bring someone. Having grown up in rural America and only recently moved to the northeast, Sloane's stories paint NYC in a different light for me, and gives me the itch to make a trip back into the city just for the sake of experiencing it again.

I immediately ordered "I Was Told There'd Be Cake" after I finished this book, and I'm looking forward to enjoying more of Sloane's writing!