A review by fatamo
Lanark: A Life in Four Books by Alasdair Gray


This book took me by surprise in every way. It was recommended to me by a patriotic Scotsman, so I was a bit skeptical, thinking that maybe his pride might be altering his judgment on the actual quality of the book. Also, science fiction and fantasy are not two of my favorite genres.

Despite all of this, the book blew me away. It's set in a wonderfully dystopic version of Glasgow, Scotland. The protagonist I suppose reflects the author's own upbringing and - to a limited extent - some of his experiences.

It's a bildungsroman of the most bizarre calibre; that's what I love about it. I don't think one reading will do it justice. I wasn't ready for it the first time!

I also truly loved the graphics, which were so in sync with the story itself, its impossible to imagine one without the other.