A review by tassiereads
Cold Dark Souls by Candace Wondrak


This series has absolutely got me hooked.

❤️❤️Spoilers & my thoughts past this point ❤️❤️

From the end of book 1, I had suspicions that Callie was dead and that the Callie we saw at the beginning of this book was just a figment of Stella’s imagination. And even though I had my thoughts, it still shocked me to find out the truth.

My heart hurts for Callie, I was absolutely rooting for her but I don’t know if it was the real Callie or the one Stella is imagining. I also feel for Stella, being off her meds, not knowing what she has done.

Lincoln’s change of heart was something different this time round, he was still that rough, brooding man but he has a touch of softness to it and I’m loving it.

I hope she keeps all 3.