A review by capesandcovers
Together, Apart by Auriane Desombre, Jennifer Yen, Sajni Patel, Rachel Lippincott, Brittney Morris, Erin A. Craig, Natasha Preston, Bill Konigsberg, Erin Hahn


Love, Delivered - Erin A. Craig

I did not vibe with the MC and it just seemed to focus on the MC complaining about how terrible her life was which was kind of cringey in contrast with... the pandemic.

The Socially Distant Dog-Walking Brigade - Bill Konigsberg
Cute story, but not something I'd read again. TW for misgendering.

One Day - Sajni Patel
This was super cute, a little dramatic at the start but tbh I think everyone has had a moment like that during quarantine.

The Rules of Comedy - Auriane Desombre
NGL I've just outgrown that whole 'faking something for your crush' trope. Loved the sisters' relationship though!

The New Boy Next Door - Natasha Preston
Teen me would've eaten this emo Twihard thing right up, but it's not my jam anymore. Also the watching in a tree thing seems to be uh, not very safe covid precaution wise.

Love with a Side of Fortune - Jennifer Yen
I actually really liked this one, but it's losing a star for not following pre-cautions too. It had some nice humor tossed in it too.

The Green Thumb War - Brittney Morris
One of my favorites out of the anthology, it was super cute and I loved both pets so much!

Stuck with Her - Rachael Lippincott
In theory I should have loved this, but the build up just felt a bit rushed. Still a fun story anyway!

Masked by Erin Hahn
Erin Hahn always writes such cute romances and this is no different!