A review by hooknthorn
It's Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self by Hilary Jacobs Hendel, Diana Fosha


A lot of repetition, and doesn't take into account that many people are able to identify which core emotion is causing their anxiety or depression but that doesn't make it go away for them.

I for instance am aware very often that my anxiety comes from illogical fear but that doesn't make my anxiety go away. It is also said that once you experience a "core emotion" you can then move on from it to a relaxed state but thats also not always the case, for instance greif sadness from loss of a loved one isn't an emotion you can simply feel for an hour then move on from If I stay in that emotion and don't throw up a "defense" as the author calls it I could be crying for days.

Overall the book gives an interesting view into how to identify emotions and how to acknowledge them but not helpful for those with chronic mental illness issues, this seems like a book aimed at the neurotypical who are dealing with emotional issues for the first time.