A review by lit_vibrations
Device Free Weekend by Sean Doolittle


I really wasn’t a fan of this book because it lacked so much depth. The premise seemed interesting kind of reminded me of a movie with the whole scenario and being trapped in a house ordeal. There was a lot of action and the beginning really pulled me in. But after awhile the book started to lose the suspense and thrill it gave in the beginning. I started asking what’s the point and questioning why certain things were happening cause it didn’t make sense.

The multiple POVs probably weren’t needed and I didn’t like how overly fabricated certain parts started to become. I get that it’s fiction but I still want to believe what I’m reading and I felt this book did too much and didn’t give enough. The character development was very mid and honestly I don’t remember any of them but Perry and Emma.

Thrillers are one of my favorite genres and I don’t feel like the author truly delivered with this one. Heard his other works are great but I can definitely say this book wasn’t for me but that doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it. Special thanks to the author, grandcentralpub, & netgalley for my advanced copy.

Rating: 2.5