A review by patambro
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling


Es el libro mas duro de todos, la muerte de Dumbeldore, Snape, Lupin, Fred, Tonks, Ojoloco y Dobby...hace que la angustia se instale de principio a fin. Y a eso luego le sumamos, la desazón por terminar la saga. Al menos yo, me siento como vacía. Cuesta saber que llegamos al final.

It is the hardest book of all, the death of Dumbeldore, Snape, Lupin, Fred, Tonks, Mad-Eye and Dobby...it makes the anguish settle from beginning to end. And to that we then add, the uneasiness to end the saga. At least I feel empty. It is hard to know that we have reached the end.