A review by qi_
Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame by Charles Bukowski

Did not finish book.
i cant keep reading this bullshit.
what the fuck charles bukowski, i'm bored out of my mind.

the poem, 'they, all of them, know' was the final nail in coffin for killing me slowly with this book.
it was about 3 pages of him listing people you could ask that hold NO correlation and then when it's revealed what you should ask them, it doesn't make any sentence and the line is barely a fucking sentence.

there were a few good poems but that's the bare minimum for me (like you have to have good poems for a poetry collection right..)
ones i liked:
- 2pm beer
- the singular self (not great but reminded me of fear and loathing in las vegas)
- sway with me
- no.6

my main problems with his poetry
- misogynistic and lowkey antisemitic
- his poems rarely make sense because they are just the ramblings of an annoying old man
- there is no clear point to most poems. i mean you don't need to have deep meaningful poems but you AT LEAST need some beautiful imagery or just pretty sentences OF WHICH THERE WERE NONE
- the poems were too fucking long. i get having a couple of poems that go for like 2 pages but his are way too fucking long. AND THEY SAY NOTHING.

im done with this bullshit bye.