A review by catherine_t
Doctor Who: A History of Humankind: The Doctor's Official Guide by Justin Richards, Dan Green


This is of course for fans of "Doctor Who." And it is geared towards the younger set. (Not surprising--my 8-year-old niece bought it for me for my birthday, choosing it from her Scholastic book order.) Having said that, I was highly amused, both by the concept (a history book taken from the Coal Hill School library and liberally altered by additions made by the Doctor) and the writing.

I'm pleased to note that even the classic-era "Doctor Who" stories are referenced. Those references may encourage readers to seek out the classic episodes so referenced (such as "The Aztecs," a William Hartnell story, or "The Horror of Fang Rock," a Tom-Baker-era tale), which, frankly, can only enhance fans' appreciation of the programme (especially those among the younger fans, whose only exposure to "Doctor Who" has been the 21st-century version).