A review by stefhyena
Time Keepers by Nicki J. Markus


This one was an interesting blend of cliches and then some very original directions or unravelling of the usual pattern. One of the good things was that unusually for a romance heavy story with supernaturals it was from the male perspective (mostly) and it was convincingly done, no poetic flights of teenage girl fancy. The romance element seemed to be based on tenacity and strength and intelligence (although it started as insta-love which I am never mad about).

The main villain was pretty stereotypical in a lot of ways, but I am not one for wanting to psychologise or relate to villains so I didn't care, at times I wondered if aspects of that were intentionally a bit humorous. I liked that the time-travel aspect was handled differently than for anything I had ever read before, the werewolf wasn't remotely macho (and therefore had to use his brain or die) and there was no deus ex machina, they had to work for their victory, they made one very stupid mistake but only the one. There are some disturbing scenes but overall it is pretty feelgood (in terms of the movement of the story).

I enjoyed reading it. I thought it was the right length and had the right amount of description (once again a rare thing to find in the YA supernatural with romance type books). Unlike the run of the mill, the heroine wasn't helpless, stupid or shallow and the hero didn't (and couldn't have) dominate(d) her. There was a triangle of sorts but understated and since it was from the male's perspective we didn't get all the TMI angst about that.

I was worried about reviewing this because (here comes the acknowledgement) I got the copy free from the author who is a nice person and I am a tough reviewer and do not wish to be otherwise. I was relieved as hell to enjoy it and think it offered much to the genre.