A review by anrobe
Carry the One by Carol Anshaw


I really struggled with rating this one. Although I was never bored, I also wasn't ever really engaged. There was something about it that just didn't work for me but I can't completely put my finger on what it is. The writing was fine, nothing fabulous, but fine. The characters were deliciously flawed but never really came alive to me. Maybe my expectations were too high based on the attention it's been getting but I just don't think this one quite lives up to the hype.

This novel has a subtlety to it that I wanted to love but just didn't work for me. However, I can completely understand why some have loved it. I just didn't feel quite as engaged as I would have liked. I loved the idea of this book but I think the execution fell slightly short. I think my primary issue with the novel might be around how Anshaw handled the evolution of each character. The premise tells the reader that their evolution will be based on this event that changes all of their lives but I found little relation between the two. Well, it was there but it wasn't very solid. It felt disjointed in some way for me.

I'm not sure that I can wholeheartedly recommend this one but if the premise sounds interesting, it would be worth a try. Otherwise, you might want to consider skipping this one.