A review by xavia
The Princess of Egypt Must Die by Stephanie Dray


Years and years ago, when I received my first Nook, the first book I ever bought was Lily of the Nile. I wish I could say I remember that book well, but I don’t. I know I bought this book years later and just never read it, being no longer in the mood for that type of story.

Well, now that I’m trying to read some of these books I’d bought but never read, I downloaded The Princess of Egypt must die, and I have to say, I did enjoy this book.

I like historical fictions, though I have to be in just the right mood for them, and Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt are some of my favorite time periods to explore. This book, being at a place in time where those two worlds collided, was very interesting. I wish the story would continue, and that we could see her tear the Royal family down from the inside, and see how she paved her road to Egypt’s throne.

Still tough, I liked this book. Maybe it’s time to revisit the Lily of the Nile.