A review by litwithleigh
A Killer's Mind by Mike Omer


Writing: 4/5 | Plot: 3.5/5 | Ending: big nah/5


Forensic psychologist Dr. Zoe Bentley and BAU agent Tatum is called in to consult on a spooky af case in Chicago—but wait... could the serial killer stalking the corners of Chi city have ties to Zoe's creepy childhood???


This is my second Mike Omer book following [b:Damaged Intentions|56982222|Damaged Intentions (Abby Mullen #2)|Mike Omer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1627594979l/56982222._SY75_.jpg|89134475] which I LOVED. It's interesting reading older books after you've read the author's latest—you can see how much Omer has improved since A Killer's Mind. Safe to say, I liked Damaged Intentions much better.

This book was solid up until the last 30%. I liked Zoe, she was obviously intelligent, self-assured, but not a block of cheese... she was written with a bit of humor and quirk. Tatum was a little harder to put my thumb on—was he an asshole? An egomaniac? A lover not a hater? A baller? Did he wish he was a little bit taller? idk.

Anyways. The pacing was on point. I felt like I was watching an episode of Criminal Minds. Everything was flowing nicely with lots of action peppered throughout, and then things just started going downhill. Here's what happened:

- Zoe yeeted all logic and common sense out the window
- The plot holes in Zoe's flashbacks were GAPING. So a mans broke into your house and confessed to a whole ass murder/rape combo in great detail and you guys were like: oh silly lil girl, he was just coming over to have a chit chat about all the creepy murder paraphernalia you found in his bedroom. NBD.
- There were too many baddies in the frame... I mean is it even statistically possible??
- Zoe has a PhD and JD from Harvard but had to resort to stripping to distract the serial killer. GOOD BYE.


Pros: kinda funny, I liked Zoe's character (for the most part), good pacing, intrigue was poppin

Cons: that last 30% and reducing zoe to her sexuality WHYYYYYYYYY

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