A review by khylabevibin
Swipe Right by Tagan Shepard


This is my first book by this author and I’m a bit... disappointed.

Kieran is a single almost forty year old woman ready to mingle. She joins a dating app and with the help of her best friend creates her profile.

Now first I wanna talk about the marketing/ first look at this book. The cover is fine and definitely better than a lot of the books I’ve seen on here but the description is my first small problem. It gives away too much of the book. Leaves nothing to mystery which may work for some people but it just left nothing much to my imagination. Created such a predictable atmosphere.

Characters- despite appearing to be in her 30’s herself the author presented characters who I felt were immature and talked like people my age (early 20’s). The book is told from Kieran’s point of view which even though amplified that immature view I had of her character was as I must admit, entertaining. The characters being aged lower could’ve fixed this- would’ve been more realistic if they were in their 20’s

The stream of consciousness of this character however was- and I hate to use this word to describe things but- cringy. The insight of this character was over saturated. There was too much random knowledge on random things. In my opinion this could’ve easily been swapped out for more information on Pen! Which leads me to my other issue with this book.

I took absolutely nothing away from her character. What was her deal? Is she charming? Funny? Great in bed? Selfish? This character felt very underdeveloped and in the last few chapters I observed a slightly weak attempt to build character.

The plot, to be honest bored me a bit. The whole true love was right there the whole time thing didn’t work for this book. Maybe if the author spent more of the book highlighting or hinting at that love instead.

Now, to the things I enjoyed about this book- the humor. Kieran’s inner monologue did present several laughable moments though I found my self wondering when the author was gonna give this girl a break from the constant embarrassment she got.

I also enjoyed the inclusivity!

3.5 stars!

Do I recommend- sure! This book could easily pass as a light read for anyone else.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the arc in return for an honest review!