A review by jessicafee86
Already Comes Darkness by T.L. Greylock


I am definitely going to need to buy this entire series in paperback. Already Comes Darkness is a fitting end to an epic story. Grittier, darker and so much bloodier than the first two it was impossible not finish up and finally find out how/when or if the world ends.

So much bloodier and darker! Here's an example (I did change the quote a tiny bit so there wouldn't be any spoilers):

"When he had finished, Raef flung the axe to the ground, reached into the wound with his bare hands, and began to bend the bones backward out of the prisoner’s back, opening up the cavity of his chest. Some broke off clean in his hands, snapping with horrific noises that had more than one witness shuddering at the sight." -38% in on kindle location 2158

But along with the gore, TL Greylock describes the world in such a beautiful way that I almost want to be there. Even though everyone is dying (including the world and the gods), I can't help but marvel at Raef's surroundings and imagine myself there. Since I forgot to highlight a lot during this book (it was pretty intense and I honestly forgot) I'll show a quote from the second book (The Hills of Home) for an example:

"In time the forest fell away and the land opened into a wide meadow in full bloom. Flowers of every hue spread out in front of Raef. Deep, rich reds, translucent yellows on slender green stalks, pinks with wide petals streaked with white, tiny blues that pointed at the ground rather than turn their faces to the sun. And the scents. Sweet like honey, a hint of spice, and underneath is all dark, good earth." 11% in on kindle edition 525.

If you enjoyed the first book, you'll definitely love the last two. The only cons I have for the series is that because it's a self published there are a few typos, nothing that detracts from the story but I thought it was worth mentioning.