A review by bookertsfarm
Atomic Frenchie, Vol. 2 by Tom McWeeney, Tom Sniegoski


REVIEW FROM MY PUP CASS: This book was so much fun! It was a combination of a graphic novel and narrative and if there's a word for that forgive me, I am a dog after all. Anyway, that means it told a great story but I also got to see fun pics of Kirby, OB and Marie Claire, the cow.

So Kirby is basically trying to help Erasmus J. Peckinpah come back to life. And to do that, they need Marie Claire's mechanical, nuclear heart. The gang travels to Area 51 to find Marie Claire and complete the procedure. Kirby doesn't mind helping Erasmus, but he really wants all of Erasmus' scientific plans and blueprints so he can take over the world. The gang gets into all kinds of trouble, meets some bratty aliens and their mother, and recruits a intellectually-challenged biker.

I really liked Kirby even if I don't agree with his plans to take over the world. I mean, not all humans are bad, right? Mom says maybe the world should be run by a dog though so maybe she is on to something - she is Mom after all. She also says Kirby reminds her a lot of my brother, Barkley. I only knew Barkley for about 7 months but I totally agree he had the attitude and the smarts for world domination. The other characters are fun and there is a great cliffhanger which means hopefully there will be a volume 3. I was a tad worried about Marie Claire and how she would survive without her heart but don't worry, Kirby always has a plan.

I highly recommend you pick up this book. It's a quick read but substantial (look Mom, big word) enough to pack quite a tale. Please please please be a volume 3.

And hey Mom, can I have a turtle?