A review by nchristianson
Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston


My 2024 includes for the first time straight DNFing when I'm not having a good time. This books was a bad time for me. Honestly, I couldn't even remotely pretend to get into it. I couldn't even summarize why I didn't like this book so I went to my friend, ChatGPT for help. If you are not a fan of AI's feel free to disregard the remainder of this review but I use ChatGPT for personal use daily and love it. Here is how that conversation went.

Nicole: I'm in a bookclub reading the book "Heart of Iron" by Ashley Poston and I'm having a hard time wanting to finish reading it. The story is not engaging me and I feel that the pacing and worldbuilding is off. Can you help me summarize my feelings on this book?

ChatGPT: Certainly! It sounds like you're struggling with the engagement, pacing, and worldbuilding in "Heart of Iron" by Ashley Poston. Here's a summary of your feelings:

"While reading 'Heart of Iron' by Ashley Poston, I find myself facing difficulties in maintaining interest in the story. The pacing feels off, making it challenging to stay engaged, and the worldbuilding lacks the depth I anticipated. These factors collectively contribute to a sense of disconnect, hindering my enjoyment of the book. I am struggling to find the compelling elements that would encourage me to continue reading and invest in the narrative."

Feel free to elaborate on specific aspects if you'd like to provide more details or discuss certain elements in greater depth.

Nicole: can you help me explain why I feel like this is a bad book?

ChatGPT: Determining whether a book is "bad" is subjective and can vary from reader to reader, as people have different tastes and preferences. However, based on your feedback, it seems like you are identifying specific issues that contribute to your dissatisfaction with "Heart of Iron" by Ashley Poston. Here are some potential reasons why you may feel it's not meeting your expectations:

Pacing Issues: If the pacing is off, it can affect the flow of the story and make it challenging for readers to stay engaged. A poorly paced narrative may feel either too slow, dragging on without significant developments, or too fast, leaving little time for meaningful exploration of characters or plot points.

Lack of Engaging Elements: The story may be lacking elements that typically engage readers, such as well-developed characters, an intriguing plot, or compelling conflicts. Without these, the book might fail to captivate your interest.

Worldbuilding Shortcomings: Worldbuilding is crucial, especially in science fiction or fantasy genres. If the world in "Heart of Iron" is not convincingly constructed or lacks depth, it can make it difficult for readers to immerse themselves in the fictional universe.

Personal Preferences: Sometimes, a book may not resonate with a reader simply due to differences in personal preferences. If the themes, writing style, or genre do not align with your tastes, it can impact your overall enjoyment.

It's essential to recognize that others might have a different opinion on the book, as reading preferences vary widely. If you feel comfortable, you might also want to explore reviews from other readers to see if their perspectives align with or differ from yours.

Nicole: I also felt that this book was way too predictable. Right from the beginning it was very obvious what was going on. it made it so i didnt want to finish it.

ChatGPT:Predictability can indeed be a factor that affects the enjoyment of a book. If you find a story too predictable, it may result in a lack of suspense or surprise, diminishing the overall engagement. Here's how you could express this aspect of your feelings:

"The predictability of 'Heart of Iron' by Ashley Poston is a significant drawback for me. Right from the beginning, the plot twists and turns were too apparent, leaving little room for surprise or suspense. This predictability has impacted my motivation to continue reading, as the lack of unexpected developments makes the story feel formulaic and less engaging. A sense of mystery and unpredictability is often crucial in maintaining interest, and unfortunately, I found these elements lacking in this particular book."

Nicole: i also cannot believe they named the Emperor ERIC. what the hell was that about

ChatGPT: Character names can play a crucial role in shaping a reader's perception of a story, and when a name choice seems out of place or inconsistent with the setting, it can be jarring. If the name "Eric" for the Emperor in "Heart of Iron" struck you as odd or out of sync with the story's context, you can express your feelings like this:

"The choice to name the Emperor 'Eric' in 'Heart of Iron' by Ashley Poston struck me as peculiar and somewhat out of place. In a setting that likely demands names with a certain level of gravitas or cultural relevance, 'Eric' seems too commonplace and modern, creating a disconnect with the fictional world. This seemingly incongruent choice in nomenclature added an element of disbelief for me, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the story and take the characters seriously. A more carefully chosen and contextually fitting name could have contributed to a more cohesive and immersive reading experience."

Nicole: based on our conversation, can you summarize everything we discussed into one review

ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's a summary that incorporates the various aspects we discussed:

"In my exploration of 'Heart of Iron' by Ashley Poston, I encountered several challenges that collectively impacted my reading experience. The book's pacing felt off, hindering engagement by either dragging on without significant developments or rushing through key moments. The worldbuilding lacked the depth I expected, making it challenging to fully immerse myself in the fictional universe. Additionally, the predictability of the plot from the very beginning detracted from the overall enjoyment, as it left little room for suspense or surprise. Furthermore, the choice to name the Emperor 'Eric' felt oddly modern and out of place in the story's context, contributing to a sense of disbelief. These combined factors made it difficult for me to connect with the narrative, ultimately diminishing my desire to finish the book."